Monday, September 15, 2008

Cure for cancer?

I could not believe this when I heard about this... then I found this video. Apparently there is is this drug called DCA that some Canadian scientists have been working on that cures/kills many forms or cancer including lung and breast cancer. Why have you not heard of it before? Well... There is no money in it. Unbelievable!!! It sickens me to think there is no money in a cure. Yet tons of money in interest for a drug that can keep you barely alive. How can there be no money in it?!? As is pointed out by the commentator wouldn't insurance companies save millions per year on claims alone? Human trials are supposed to begin soon or already have. Hopefully someone will wake up and get this moving in the right direction. I know myself that if I had cancer... I'd sell the farm for a cure. Check out the video...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

About Me

Little Blue Planet... third from the Sun.
Just your typical Wook hangin' loose with the mongoose. - Living in the 808 -
