Sunday, October 19, 2008
Magic Flashlights
Magic Flashlights from Mike Benson on Vimeo.
This video is so cool it made me all fuzzy. Anyone know the name of that song?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Trail bike loose in the city...
How fun would this be? Granted it would suck unless you were as talented as this guy.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
COD 5 W@W Gameplay footage
I have to say, I am impressed. Initially, I was not very excited about going back to the WWII era in COD. Or any other game for that matter. Don't get me wrong. I love WWII shooters but I think everyone knows that that era has been done to death. Well, I was wrong on this one. I can't wait to play this.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hulu adds Anime...
Hulu has just added Anime to it's already huge list of video offerings. Available now are full seasons of Death Note (Season 1 Episode 1: Rebirth, above) and a few others like Naruto, Astro Boy and Mushi-shi. I don't know about you but this is going to put a dent in my TV watching time.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
First picture of a planet outside our solar system

Check out this amazing picture of what may be the first photograph evidence of a planet outside of our solar system. Using the Gemini North telescope on Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawai‘i to take this image of the young star 1RXS J160929.1-210524 and its solar companion. Through analysis scientists beileve the planet to be 8 times the size of Jupiter and roughly 330 times the distance of Earth to our Sun from it's own Sun. Check out the full story at Gemini Observatory.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Cure for cancer?
I could not believe this when I heard about this... then I found this video. Apparently there is is this drug called DCA that some Canadian scientists have been working on that cures/kills many forms or cancer including lung and breast cancer. Why have you not heard of it before? Well... There is no money in it. Unbelievable!!! It sickens me to think there is no money in a cure. Yet tons of money in interest for a drug that can keep you barely alive. How can there be no money in it?!? As is pointed out by the commentator wouldn't insurance companies save millions per year on claims alone? Human trials are supposed to begin soon or already have. Hopefully someone will wake up and get this moving in the right direction. I know myself that if I had cancer... I'd sell the farm for a cure. Check out the video...
Claremont downhill run...
This is easily one of the coolest skateboard videos I have seen in a while. These guys are hauling ass and trading off the camera while doing it. I myself have rode this hill on a motorcycle... so, I know how fast they could be going. Insane! Though, I personally would have recommended a few more articles of protective gear. I suppose it wouldn't have been as cool as them riding down in their powder blue suits. LOL
Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD from adam kimmel on Vimeo.
Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD from adam kimmel on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Have your 360 write it's own blog.
Just found this mulling around on the web @ 360 Voice. With this service you sign up your Live account and your Xbox 360 will actually write it's own blog. It updates the blog with your activity and any gamer points you receive. Even if you don't play the blog updates itself with funny anecdotes about how you are apparently ignoring your 360. Check it out here.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
"Nude" with Obsolete Tech
All I can say is that is is "Amazing." Apparently, not happy with just making his own Radiohead music video, John Houston makes this amazing video. Bravo!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
50mph Tennis Ball to the Testies
OMG! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Watch as this idiot takes a 50mph tennis ball to the groin all in the name of science. Not sure what they paid this numb nutt to do this. Man it is funny to watch though. Scientifically though now I know why I feel like my heart is going to explode when I rack my sack on something. Thanks Jason for taking one for the team… Hope you enjoyed your free neuter job.
Friday, May 9, 2008
What the...? No!!!! You evil bastard!

Not really into running around taking snapshots of things and posting my feelings. That is just not my thing. But, on the way to work this morning this guy pulled in front of me and I noticed he had a USC sticker on his car… I too have a proudly placed USC sticker on my rear window. So I felt a bond with this person almost automatically.
Then as we came up to a stop light, to my horror I noticed what was not a blue bird turd, as previously though. But a UCLA sticker right above the USC sticker. What is this tool bag thinking? Sure he may have two kids that are now attending both schools. In that case I can almost understand... Yet, does this dolt not understand what he has done, the rivalry that these schools have? He may single handedly offset the balance of the universe.
Being a 20+ year season ticket holder to USC Football, I was outraged. The only thing that could have been worse is if he had a Fighting Irish sticker in the same area. Oh well, I guess it'll all work out when his UCLA kid is doing the dishes for some USC grad for the rest of his/her life.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008

I am at a loss of words right now. This is my second Xbox 360 to RROD (Red Ring Of Death)... and yes I have two 360's in my household. The first time my Pro RROD'd on me a few months ago. I couldn't stand the wait for the broken one to be returned as I was in full panic mode to get back to my COD 4. This time around it is my Elite. Which I had mistakenly though was impervious to the RROD. Only days before the release of GTA:IV and I am again without my primary gaming machine. Little Wook is going to be mighty upset when I take back his machine tonight. None the less, I am extremely pissed. I think I am gonna go out and punch some babies in the face to make myself feel better. TTYL Wook out!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The McLovin Foundation... please give.
Help McLovin avoid the trials and tribulations he is going to encounter when he falls into the obscurity and crack addiction. After all McLovin gave us so much.
Monday, April 14, 2008
What would you do?
What would you do with 3 trillion dollars? I can’t even fathom that amount in my account. Apparently the good people at have figured out just what you could buy. Check out the video above and them if you want more information head on over HERE and have some fun day dreaming about what you could do. Surely it wouldn’t be any worse that what 3 trillion is being used for right now.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Quake 3 on iPod Touch
Check out the video for live networked game play between two iPod touch devices. Unfortunately this is not going to be available with the new SDK. I hope eventually it does make it. I would gladly pay for it. The control system is pretty cool the way it works with the iPod touch screen tilt. Check out the full story HERE.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Wow... This stuff works. MonaVie!!!
Recently a friend of mine came across this incredible juice. MonaVie is the name of it. He sent me a bottle to try out and I was very skeptical. I have been trying juices like this one for years. Every so often there was a new product at Costco or the local pharmacy. They all tasted like crap and didn't really seem to do much.
I have had sore/painful feet for well over a year now. I have tried all kinds of drugs and special shoes. Nothing has worked. I have also had heartburn/acid-reflux ever since my first marriage ended in divorce (10 years). As anyone can tell you that knows me I have never had much energy outside of my gaming universe.
Well... I have been drinking this stuff for 2 weeks now and I am a believer. This stuff is MAGIC and it tastes great! My feet are still are a little sore in the AM, but everyday they seem to hurt less. My chronic heartburn/acid-reflux... GONE. I used to walk out of the house with a pocket full of Tums and now I have room for other things in my pocket. ...and my energy level is through the roof. If you would like to get some of your own to try… Go HERE. You won’t regret it. Just a secret between you and me... If you enroll as a dealer (cost $39/one time fee) you can order all you want at the dealer discounted rate.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Wii Motion tracking gives you your 3D now.
All I can say is give Johnny his props. This guy has put together some amazing software that is going to revolutionize the way we game in the future. I almost fell out of my seat when he showed the motion tracking demo. The absolutely is amazing... I hope the big game studio's are taking notice.
For more information check out Jhonny's site and his other programs: HERE
For more information check out Jhonny's site and his other programs: HERE
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Hello Kitty Online

I don’t even know what to say about this one. A Hello Kitty MMORPG… I am more than a little scared. Check it out if you dare. Hello Kitty Online God, help us all!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Simply amazing... I was enthralled by the sampling methods of Andrew Bird in this video. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Singing Ring Tree
This is one of the coolest and eeriest sculptures I have ever seen. Take a look and listen. I'd love to have one of these on the hill behind my house.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Drum Machine
Speaking of music games. Have you seen this? It’s pretty cool… You can use your Rock Band drum set attached to your PC as an actual electronic drum set. You see Wook Jr. wants to have a drum set. He is going through the stage where he wants to play just about everything. I fully support this… but, in general I like my quiet time. With that said this will be the perfect solution. Merry X-Mas little Wook, now drag the Rock Band kit downstairs and drum your little heart out. Nice work! Check it out: HERE
Guitar Rising...
I would like you, the reader, to note that I am a huge game fan. I have been a loyal gamer since back in the days of pong and the like. Watching this industry grow and flourish has been a pleasure to watch. With that said I’d like to announce I am a hardcore fan of any game that involves music. The Guitar Hero trilogy and Rock Band being the most recent and some of the best. However, this game/simulator has me seriously intrigued. This one looks like it has the potential to actually teach me how to play the guitar. A childhood dream of mine… Check out the video and keep your eyes peeled for the drop date.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
anyone tried it?


Getting sick sucks! I have not been sick in many years. All of a sudden two days ago I wake up with a horrible throat pain. I could barely swallow. I remember back in the day staying home from school, work or whatever else was a treat. Now a days it just sucks. Sure, I can play some extra COD 4 (lvl'd 3 times)and otherwise relax. However, daytime TV is just lame. Not that this is by any means a new thing. Out of the billion or so channels I "pay" for, why is it I couldn't find anything to watch? Even Cartoon Network blows during the day. Unfortunately, due to the writers strike my normally full DDR device is completely empty. Being completely caught up on my recorded media is an occurrence that doesn't happen very often.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
This is some of the coolest live action animal footage I have ever seen! Water Buffalo and Lions duke it out. Not what you expect. CROCODILE! It's fairly gruesome but if you hang in there you will be rewarded. Listen carefully to the people watching this happen in front of them.
What an exciting minute. The last minute of the Super Bowl was exciting as any other minute that I can remember. After slaving through a few hours of an otherwise boring game and frustratingly small beers. The chips were all but gone, Teriyaki burgers... consumed. Drifting in and out of the desire to take a nap. With one minute to go the biggest game of the year became interesting. Then it was over and I am left with only September to look forward to.
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Call Of Duty 4, what can I say. I have this innate addiction to killing online foes. When the Wook gets off from a long day at the office, I like to kill. Online play is with out a doubt the best. Sure there are a few things that could be better. A Bowcaster would be a nice addition. A Kashyyyk map would be a bonus. I can look past those things and love the game as it is. The problem at this moment is that Wook Jr. is on it right now... [/sigh]
A couple of beers...

A couple of beers is all a Wook wants. Every time, I get the Wook a beer the wife looks at me funny. Lately the Wook has put on a few pounds. Nothing obscene... just a few extra pounds... [/cough] here and there. No where more than 15 pounds in total. On a Wookiees huge frame that is hardly noticeable. I guess the wife can tell. >.< Oh and BTW, Corona is piss at any price. Stick to the good stuff. Sometimes Wookiees crave a sub-par beer.
Super Bowl XLII
Not much of a Giants or Patriots fan. As a matter of fact, I quite dislike the Giants. There is not much, I do like in New York. Beautiful city and I admit it's much better than it was in the 80's. Just too much concrete, not near enough foliage for me. I have been there a few times and Wook didn't like it for more than 3 days at a time. I feel the same way about Vegas. I don't mind goin there... But, after 36 hours I need to get out.
Patriots on the other hand. Don't get me wrong they have had an amazing season. But I remember back in the days of less grey hair, that team sucked. They had one good season... got to the Super Bowl XX and then promptly got raped. Nobody liked them. I don't know one person that I like from Boston. Not one. The last guy I knew from Boston I called him Dooosh McDouchebag. He lived up to that name. With that said... many beers will be consumed by the Wook tomorrow.
Patriots on the other hand. Don't get me wrong they have had an amazing season. But I remember back in the days of less grey hair, that team sucked. They had one good season... got to the Super Bowl XX and then promptly got raped. Nobody liked them. I don't know one person that I like from Boston. Not one. The last guy I knew from Boston I called him Dooosh McDouchebag. He lived up to that name. With that said... many beers will be consumed by the Wook tomorrow.
Not sure about this step we are taking... Wookiees are a tough bunch to manage. I am on my second marriage and the Wookiee has had his moments. I love my wife (second) dearly and she has dealt with the Wookiee the best she can and I commend her. Wookiees are not exactly the cleanest of creatures. This Wookiee of mine is sometimes down right mean. Snarling teeth and bouts of primal rage. Nope Wook's are a task.
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- WookieeFart
- Little Blue Planet... third from the Sun.
- Just your typical Wook hangin' loose with the mongoose. - Living in the 808 -